Event Calendar

TEDxLehighRiver 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017, 12:00 pm
TEDxLehighRiver is a community-based initiative aimed at bringing together a diverse group of speakers and audience members to participate in a program of engaging and thought-provoking presentations and conversation.
12:00 PM — Innovation Alley — Curated by The FabLab, Northampton Area Community College — We are pleased to welcome innovators and start-ups from Northampton Area Community College. Stroll around INNOVATIONalley in the lobby and talk with these creative, entrepreneurial students to see and hear what's going on with the support of NACC's Fab Lab.
1:00 PM — The Fifth Annual TEDxLehighRiver — Speakers TBD, Networking Reception to follow
“A very enjoyable & entertaining afternoon, well produced, and the reception afterwards exemplified the best in social interaction and intelligent discussions, along with an outstanding talent showcase. Thanks very much!!” — 2016 Attendee
“Very fulfilling day spent with local, everyday people willing to share what helps them get through life. Found it empowering, fun and heartfelt!” — 2016 Attendee