Event Calendar

Classical Mystery Tour: A Tribute to the Beatles
Saturday, July 13, 2019, 7:30 pm
Tickets go on sale Wednesday, May 1st at 10am
Come Together for the first concert of Allentown Symphony Orchestra’s 2019-20 POPS Series and hear Something that will amaze your ears and astound your eyes! Classical Mystery Tour performs dozens of Beatles songs exactly as they were originally recorded – live on stage at Miller Symphony Hall with the ASO. This tribute to 50 Years of Abbey Road is here for one performance only!
What would The Beatles have sounded like if they had the chance to perform live in concert with the ASO? The four musicians in Classical Mystery Tour look and sound just like The Beatles, but Classical Mystery Tour is more than just a rock concert. Hear Penny Lane with a live trumpet section; experience the beauty of Yesterday with an acoustic guitar and string quartet; enjoy the rock/classical blend on the hard edged I Am the Walrus. From early Beatles music on through the solo years, Classical Mystery Tour is the best of The Beatles like you’ve never heard them: totally live.
Plus, this special performance celebrates the 50th anniversary of the legendary Abbey Road album which was released in 1969. The recording sessions for the album were the last in which all four Beatles participated. It has been hailed as one of the greatest albums of all time, and the cover photo of all four band members walking in a cross walk outside Abbey Road Studios has become one of the most famous images in history.
A Day In the Life
A Hard Day's Night
All You Need is Love
Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Come Together
Eleanor Rigby
Golden Slumbers
Got to Get You Into My Life
Here Comes the Sun
I Am the Walrus
Let It Be (from Beatles Medley Overture)
Magical Mystery Tour
Mean Mr. Mustard
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
Penny Lane
Polythene Pam
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
She's Leaving Home
With a Little Help From My Friends
Yellow Submarine
“…how perfect the mannerisms and look of the members of the group mirrored the Beatles. Everything from Ringo's head bopping to John's slight bounce as he strummed his rhythm guitar, these guys were on point …” – THE MORNING CALL
"Never has the music of The Beatles sounded as good as this night with the live orchestra." - NEWPORT NEWS
“Dressed in Sgt. Pepper garb, the four simply dazzle and amaze in a style that if you ’Close Your Eyes’ you hear the original artists from Liverpool.” – BROADWAY WORLD
“…These four musicians are jaw-droppingly accurate…” – CAPE COD TIMES
“This was not merely a show; it was a happening, a love fest, a sing along and a trip down Penny Lane.” – Examiner.com