Event Calendar

Go Green: 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 2:00 pm
The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, enlisted 20 million Americans and launched the modern environmental movement. It is now the planet’s largest civic movement. Music Director Diane Wittry programmed a remarkable concert for the entire family featuring classics that celebrate nature in music including selections from Beethoven’s “Pastoral,” Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, Grand Canyon Suite by Grofé and Respighi’s The Pines of Rome.
Come early at 12:30pm for pre-concert activities for kids!
GLAZUNOV “Bacchanal” from The Seasons
WAGNER “Forest murmurs” from Siegfried
VIVALDI “Spring” (1st mvt) from The Four Seasons
MEIRA WARSHAUER “Call of the Cicadas” from Living, Breathing Earth
BEETHOVEN "Scene by the Brook" from Symphony No. 6, “Pastoral”
GROFE “On the Trail” from Grand Canyon Suite
RESPIGHI “The Pines of the Appian Way” from The Pines of Rome
Listen to Meira Warshauer talking about her creative process for "Call of the Cicadas" by clicking here